Tips & tricks
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Add any simple tips you have for improving retrospectives. Can be generated by running a Retrospective Surgery.
- Split into small groups to narrow down actions (helps with large teams or with quiet members)
- Use a space without a table
- Have a backlog of retrospective actions with done / not done next to them
- Write the output on a flip chart and stick it up in the workspace where all can see
- Location, location, location - find a good spaces and mix it up so not always in same place
- Write up the retrospective output including actions and put on a blog/wiki or send round in an email
- Forward-specting - what can we start doing now
- Do a 'warm up' exercise to break down any tension and get people in the mood (see below)
- Food (especially nice food like cakes & biscuits) is an excellent way to make the session more appealing and is a great leveller.
- Use a facilitator from outside the team (e.g. another team's scrum master)
- Swap the facilitation role within the team: don't let it fall to the same person (coach, scrum master) each time
- Plan your retrospectives - don't just turn up and run it the same way each time. Develop a toolbox with exercises.
- Throw away everything from the retrospective except the retrospective actions. Focus on outcomes, not problems.
- Create awareness for Retrospective Benefits