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A Lego Retro

How do you know you’ve made it as a Change Agent? When your client starts paying you to play with Lego 😉

On serious note, I recently a facilitated an Agile Retrospective with Lego as the medium. (A retrospective is a regular meeting that a project team holds to discuss what has been successful over a prior time period, what could be improved, and how to incorporate the successes and improvements in future.)

The team had just completed a two-week Sprint (set period for a iteration). I kept it simple with the following format:

“Guess Who?” a retrospective from a different perspective

A guest post from Dr Marcin Remarczyk [1] on a new retrospective technique encouraging empathy…

Retrospectives are increasingly a common element of agile ways of working and part of every Scrum Master’s toolbox. And whilst their effectiveness and benefits are widely recognized, it is worth experimenting with different flavors of applied formats and facilitation techniques. In this blog, I share a recent experience from retrospectives conducted with a team in the media industry where the idea has been to look back from someone else’s perspective.